Filmmaker Femi Adebayo Salami recently shared wonderful memories from his mother's birthday celebration with his fans. He took to Instagram to post a video from the get-together, which featured the celebrant alongside her husband, Adebayo Salami, also known as Oga Bello, as well as her co-wives, friends, and family.
Nollywood veterans such as Jide Kosoko and Lanre Hassan were among the guests at the event. In his post, Femi Adebayo expressed gratitude to God for granting his mother the grace to age beautifully and enjoy the fruits of her labor.
While expressing his love, Adebayo prayed that his mother's days would be filled with laughter and abundance. He wrote, “Quick throwback to my adorable mother’s birthday soirée with my dad, our family, and close friends. I am grateful to Almighty Allah for granting her the grace to age beautifully while enjoying the fruits of her labor. Maami, e jeun omo dale l’agbara oloun. I love you, and may your days be filled with laughter and abundance, insha Allah.”
Femi Adebayo recently celebrated his daughter, Firdaos Niniolajannah Adebayo, on Instagram. He shared beautiful photos of her and expressed his pride in her achievements since birth. Adebayo conveyed how his daughter has filled his heart with pride as she has grown into her true self. He offered prayers that her new age would bring her joy, love, and continued personal growth. Additionally, he prayed that Allah would protect her and fulfill His promises to her.
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